Market-X Workshop
GAIA-X is organising Market X, a great event in Vienna on the 14/15th of March. Dataspaces and solutions will be showcased and the whole dataspace ecosystem in the EU will meet! Prometheus-X is a partner of the event and will have a booth there. Meet us! Prometheus-X and MERLOT (also present at the event) will be co-organising a dedicated workshop during that event on our topics, on the 15th at 12.30.
Venue (in person only): Aula der Wissenschaften, Wollzeile 27A, 1010 Vienna, Austria
The workshop will unite organisations commited to make the data space happen:
Training organisations
Employment agencies
Cloud and infrastructure providers
We will:
Dive deeper into the business model(s) of our data space
We will take as a basis the concrete use cases and ecosystems defined by our community (human-centric skills matching, skills analytics, decentralized personalized learning and VR)
Clearly define the value and roles of these ecosystems
Produce the precise description of the value exchanges in the ecosystems
Dive deeper into the technical discussions around the building blocks
We will progress on specifications and formats for consent and contracts
We will progress on the architecture for skills and learning data interoperability
Test and use a first version of the Prometheus-X data space marketplace that will be available in demo mode
Define concrete implementation plans with the participants to make the data space real!
Get to know each other and discover Austrian specialities!
Fill in this form ASAP to register (in person only) !
Last updated