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Prometheus-X Education & Skills is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901, uniting an international community to build and govern digital commons that allow every person and organization to control and freely share their data, especially in the education, training and employment sectors. These digital commons will allow the management of consent, identity, contracts, interoperability, anonymization, etc. We are working on this within the Data Space for Education & Skills of Gaia-X Association for Data and Cloud (AISBL) with many public and private organisations from multiple EU countries. We are working to personalize education, lifelong learning and employment in a human-centric way! We have working groups on technical and legal issues as well as on specific use cases of data circulation.
Our vision is to build a technical infrastructure for education and skills data exchange and interoperability
Our mission is to promote personalized learning, lifelong training and orientation, professional integration and research in these fields.
Our ambition is to create and govern infrastructure services for the circulation of education and skills data. This infrastructure allows actors in these sectors to pool and share data to improve and customize their services.