Impact study
This use case allows to federate data and learning traces of students, declarative questionnaires, monitoring of the use of resources, across all solutions and services used, in a school-extraschool continuum, to analyze the impact of each solution and identify the margins of progress.
This use case would address needs such as:
as a training organization, I want to identify a posteriori the resources that have proven to be the most adapted to the learners' profiles
as a producer of educational resources, I want to compare the results of learning paths on target populations with the skills of neutral panels
as a person, I need to be able to compare my skills with those of the society in which I live
- Allows stakeholders to easily access data that measures the impact of their solutions
- Ensures interoperability of datasets in order to compare over longer periods of time or with more data
- Interoperability of educational data
Building blocks mobilized
Skills data interoperability: to enable the development of clusters between the different competencies of anonymized citizens. This strategy can then be used to situate the skills of an individual in relation to the group to which he belongs.
AI metadata enrichment: highlight the impact of the platform's various services, both at the individual level and at the more global level of a population in need of attention (school dropouts, multilingualism, disability, digital insecurity, etc.)
Consent: to define a regulatory and protective framework for the use of learning traces between different services
Among its first users and data providers, Prometheus has brought together a group of players to contribute to the definition and implementation of this use case: Tralalere, Aren Education, Woonoz, Pitchboy, Webforce 3, Skills4all, my serious games, the ai institute, INRIA...
Last updated